Et større antal tyske virksomheder undervurderer stadig risikoen for manglende betalinger i indenrigshandlen. Tyskland: Virksomheder undervurderer risiko for konkurs Et større antal tyske virksomheder undervurderer stadig risikoen for manglende betalinger i indenrigshandlen. Introduction
The pandemic downturn that has spread rapidly throughout the world has reached Germany at a relatively good point in its economic cycle. The country has enjoyed ten years of solid economic performance, albeit with a slowing of economic expansion last year. This summer, as lockdown orders took effect pausing production or sales for many companies in Germany, the business community acted fast. This has enabled them to maintain their turnover on a certain level. In some cases even growing sales were possible through attractive credit terms.
It was at this point that we conducted this year’s Payments Practices Barometer survey. In addition to providing us with direct access to business opinion at a critical time, it provides us the opportunity to compare COVID-19 impacted business results with pre-pandemic times.
Key takeaways from the report
Businesses surveyed in Germany reported that they most often accepted requests for trade credit from SME B2B customers in order to stay competitive on the domestic market during the pandemic
Payment terms see more than four-fold increase
Late payments rise in Germany by 65% year-on-year
Businesses in Germany are more optimistic about the outlook for the domestic economy than counterparts in region. This is the case also for their opinion about the outlook for the global economy and international trade
The majority of businesses surveyed in Germany told us that the greatest threats to business profitability in 2021 include: maintaining adequate cash flow, cost containment, collection of outstanding invoices and potential restrictions to bank finance
Interested in getting to know more?
For a complete overview of the corporate payment behaviour in Germany during the COVID-19 pandemic and global recession, please download the complete report.
The report gives also insight into the impact of the pandemic-induced economic crisis on the following industries in the country:
Dowload the full report
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