
Our picture library includes high-resolution images to support a range of reports that feature Atradius. This includes our logo, Management Board shots, staff and offices around the world.

David Capdevila, Atradius

David Capdevila

Chief Executive Officer, Atradius

700 x 700 pixels

Andreas Tesch, Atradius


Andreas Tesch

Chief Market Officer, Atradius

427 x 640 pixels

Chris van Lint, Atradius


Christian van Lint

Chief Risk Officer, Atradius

427 x 640 pixels

Claus Gramlich-Eicher, Atradius


Claus Gramlich-Eicher

Chief Financial Officer, Atradius

427 x 640 pixels

Marc Henstridge, Atradius


Marc Henstridge

Chief Insurance Operations Officer, Atradius

427 x 640 pixels

Atradius Logo with Tagline



Atradius logo

High-quality image of the Atradius Logo.

1467 x 394 pixels

Amsterdam Office building



Atradius Office Amsterdam

High-resolution photograph of the Atradius Head Office in Amsterdam, the Netherlands

700 x 525 pixels

Amsterdam Office Entrance



Atradius Office Amsterdam

High-resolution photograph of the Atradius Head Office in Amsterdam, the Netherlands

700 x 525 pixels

Cardiff office



Atradius Office Cardiff

High-resolution photograph of the Atradius Office in Cardiff, UK

700 x 525 pixels

Cologne Office



Atradius Office Cologne

High-resolution photograph of the Atradius Office in Cologne, Germany

700 x 525 pixels

Relateret indhold


Our broadcast-quality videos provide insight into our work. Access an overview of our business and a clear explanation of credit insurance. Our videos are available in several languages and markets.


Our Management and Supervisory Boards drive our business, guided by the interests of our stakeholders and the needs of our customers.